by Unknown , at 08:42 , have 0 comments


Do you really want to make money? Then scroll down… It’s worth your time.
Well, with the rate of unemployment and other economic conditions and instability in Nigeria, making Money has become the objective of every Nigerian. Nevertheless, there are many ways to make money online, in books, and other essential materials and workshop. Although, there are many Get Rich Quick means of making money but which is but for a time. Making real money in Nigeria involves entrepreneurship and online business. The difference between a white collar job first class graduate and an entrepreneur business owner dropout is what he or she has to offer in terms of skills, connections, etc. In Nigeria, Entrepreneurs are the one making real money especially with the economic situation. Now the real question lies; how can I make money as an entrepreneur? These are 10 ways of making money in Nigeria and they involve low cost.

  1. AFFLIATE MARKETING: This is one of the most money-spinning online businesses in Nigeria. It is the process of being paid to promote other people's products. You find a product of a company or personnel, promote it to others, and earn a piece of the profit for each sale that you make. Affiliate systems are quick and easy to manage but it consists of a lot of work, and mostly involves competition. Affiliate marketing business focuses on nurturing relationships and this is done by
  • Being on the lookout for out better and more competent partners
  • Renew your content often to keep things fresh
  • Get the right partners into your program
The best option for affiliate marketing is quality over quantity. There are a lot of small websites that will promote your product, but the key is finding a small number of partners that will bring renovations. This is a list of E-commerce websites that offers that;
  • Amazon
  • Jumia
  • Konga
  • Yudala
The most important thing to remember is that you are an advertiser and you have to make sure people buy the products you are promoting, so you have to create awareness for those products.
  1. MINI-IMPORTATION BUSINESS: This is a very profitable business, especially when dealing with products that have a high demand. Although, the current economic condition might be a problem but the solution is to identify fast moving products. To be precise, importation is not an issue but selling has always been a challenge to some people. There are two ways to start mini importation business, one is full time and the other is on part-time basis. For part time, you should have something else doing, so therefore your first target market are your family, friends and colleagues at work. I introduced the mini importation business few years ago to a friend for importation of clothes and watches and guess what? She made great sales because those products were trendy. She posted them on her Facebook wall and was getting orders on daily basis… On the other hand for full time basis, there is much work to do. Nearly almost everything in Nigeria market is either imported from China or US. Hence, before buying any products from China or US, you have to look for  those that sell similar products you’re importing (sellers) and negotiate with them on the terms of  business transactions; know the quantity of goods they can buy in a month, the price they’re willing to pay and terms of payment preferably upfront payment or pay at delivery.

  1. DIGITAL MARKETING: This entails promotion of products or brands using one or more forms of electronic media. Digital marketers supervise things like what is being viewed, how often and for how long and trade conversions. This involves using yours social media accounts for business, do you have many followers on twitter and Instagram, or do you have lots of friends on Facebook, or you have a blog, then use that opportunity to start promoting products on your page. They are lots of companies who are in search of personnel that would improve their social media presence and are willing to pay lots for it. So if you have a collection of your work, you can make money online through social media marketing.

  1. PRIVATE TRANSPORTATION BUSINESS: Offering transportation services is one definite way of making cool money in Nigeria. By operating a private transportation charter service, you can make your money. This business doesn't necessarily require you to have too much capital or have a fleet of vehicles but you can start it as a one man business. As long as you have a vehicle, a mobile phone and waiting customers, you will always be in business. This kind of services can be done in cities and known communities.

  1. REAL ESTATE BUSINESS: Investing in a solid asset like real estate is one way a smart Nigerian can keep being rich even when they are no longer making a lot of active income. If you have excellent relationship skills, you can start your small real estate business. You find houses to sell or rent and you find the clients, it’s the way of making extra income. You just bring them together and earn a fee for your efforts. Currently, there are emerging new cities, rapid movement of persons from one place to another within the country. This development has generated a lot of online business opportunities. One of which is real estate website. Real estate websites are where properties are listed for sale, charter or rent. This is one business that will never fade. So, you can make more money both online, if you create a real estate website and list the properties that are up for sale. You can even expand it to a large real estate search engine that would have the capacity of covering the whole city like Lagos.

  1. FREELANCING: I started freelancing during one of my summer holidays last 2 years and I made money out of it. The best part about freelancing is having flexible working hours; I did this while I was in University and I was making money and educating myself. The most important thing is to deliver quality projects and deliver them on time. Employers get to rate you after they pay so you want to make sure they are very satisfied, getting a 5 star rating every time is what you should aim for. There are quite a number of things you can do, the list is endless. You can write articles online, you can design a logo or website for someone online and so on. So, if you want to make money online, you can do freelancing by using the tactics mentioned. You have to be experienced to succeed.

  1. E-BOOK SALES: You can write about trending things and make it an e-book for example “Making money online” and put it up for sale on online stores. When people purchase it, they will receive link to download. The benefit of this business is that you do not need to create a physical product and ship them out to people who ordered for them. This business has low repairs as compared to selling physical products.

  1. E- COMMERCE: is an online website where you can sell what you have. You can sell practically anything of your choice, ranging from clothes to cosmetic, automobile and many more. Examples of online stores are Jumia, konga, Ebay and host of others. To set up an ecommerce store does not entail too much money, you just need three fundamental things (Domain Name Registration, Web Hosting and Ecommerce Application).

  1. OPERATE A BLOG: Operating a blog is a better way to make money online in Nigeria as many has ventured into it. There are various ways of making money from your blogs in Nigeria and they are:
  • By Sponsoring posts on the blog; this is a means of getting people to write a sponsor post which is publicizing their business or service as a post and asking for your approval to publish it in your blog and they pay you for such posts  it is a very good means of advertising online.
  • By inserting an affiliate’s partner links in your blog and when your visitors buy something through the link, you will get commission from the company.

  1. WEBSITES DEVELOPMENT: This is means of developing a web site for the Internet or a private network. It varies from developing the simplest fixed single page of plain text to the most multifaceted web-based internet applications, electronic businesses, and social network services. It includes web design, web content development, client connection, web server and network security configuration, and e-commerce development.

These are the various ways of making money in Nigeria, although most of them are online businesses, this is because they take little time and involves low cost or finance unlike other means of making money in Nigeria.

10 WAYS TO MAKE MONEY IN NIGERIA QUICKLY - written by Unknown , published at 08:42, categorized as How To . And have 0 comments
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